Jesus’ letter to progressive churches

Many churches and denominations have embraced a progressive sexual ethic in keeping with the spirit of our age.  Behaviour and practices that have for hundreds of years been considered wrong, are now being condoned and celebrated, particularly in the sexual arena. Cohabitation, same-sex unions and transgender ideology, to name a few. In the name of… Continue reading Jesus’ letter to progressive churches

Would the real Christian please stand up?

What is a Christian?  This is a good question in today’s world. Some would say a “good” person, someone who tries to be kind, loving, neighbourly, humble and doesn’t curse in traffic. Others would say a churchgoer or religious person. Still others might say someone who lives by the golden rule: do to others as… Continue reading Would the real Christian please stand up?

Abortion and magic baby-dust

Abortion, the intentional termination of pregnancy, has been practiced since ancient times all across the world. The first recorded mention of it is from Egypt dated 1550 BC. Over the centuries, governments and cultures have cyclically embraced and condemned abortion across the world. In South Africa, abortion was fully legalized in 1997. A woman, or… Continue reading Abortion and magic baby-dust