Why is the Great Commission so great?

Jesus said in Matthew 28:18-19, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…”

Jesus’ claim to have ALL authority in the entire universe is the basis for his command to make disciples of ALL nations.

This is extremely important.

If Jesus only has some authority, he could only call for the allegiance of some people.

If Jesus only has some authority, and Mohammed some authority, and Krishna some authority, and the Buddha some authority; it would be feasibly and appropriate for Christians to worship Jesus, Muslims to worship Allah, Hindus to worship Krishna, and Buddhists to worship Buddha.

Similarly, if Jesus only has authority over the Middle East, he could only call Middle Eastern people to follow him.

Or if Jesus only has authority over Europe, he can only call Europeans to follow him.  

Or imagine that Jesus only has authority over the mountains, he could only call people living in mountainous regions to follow him.

Think of the principal of a school. He or she only has authority over the learners and teachers of that particular school. Their authority has limits.  It does not extend outside the school.

Or consider the president of a country. Their authority is only over the citizens of that country.  Their authority has limits.  It does not extend outside the country’s boundaries.

However, because JESUS has ALL authority that means ALL people are called to follow HIM – Hindu people, Muslim people, religious people, irreligious people, European people, African people, Chinese people, black people, white people, and everyone in-between.

Jesus has proven that all authority is his by the fact that he was dead and is now alive – his death being the only sacrifice for sin acceptable to God.

Only Jesus can make us right for God.

On Twitter recently a former “Christian” musician tweeted these words:

Jesus was Christ.

Buddha was Christ.

Muhammad was Christ.

Christ is a word for the Universe seeing itself.

You are Christ.

We are the body of Christ.

Jesus would say, “That’s quite wrong. Only I am Christ the King.  The One who has been given, by virtue of my death and resurrection, ALL AUTHORITY!”

The only appropriate response is for people of all the nations of the world to turn from false gods (including the worship of self), to the worship of King Jesus.

Jesus is not A way; he is THE way.

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It’s nice to meet you.

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