I’m constantly surprised by the number of miracles crusades, healing services and even (I’m not lying!) raising the dead ceremonies in Cape Town in the name of Jesus. The basic premise underlying the theology of the organisers of these events is that signs, wonders and miracles should be common place in the Christian’s life. In fact, if they are not happening, you should doubt whether you are a real, bona fide Christian.
The Bible however would differ with the theology of the “signs & wonders” (S&W) movement. In the Bible S&W occur only twice: in the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt & in the time surrounding Jesus in the 1st century. God had said to Moses: “I will stretch out my hand and strike the Egyptians with all the wonders that I will perform among them. After that, he will let you go.” (Ex 3.20) Moses in turn told the Israelites that God would rescue them with an outstretched arm and with mighty acts of judgment (Ex 6.6). God’s purpose was to demonstrate his power, so He told Moses: “I will harden Pharaoh’s heart, and though I multiply my miraculous signs and wonders in Egypt, he will not listen to you.” (Ex 7.3-4)
When God acts in history to rescue his people it is accompanied by signs and wonders. The same signs are to some (i.e. the Israelites & believing Egyptians) signs of salvation and to others (i.e. Pharaoh) “acts of judgment”. During the centuries after the Exodus there were no S&W! Indeed, one of the job descriptions of the prophets was to remind the Israelites of the how mightily God had acted in the Exodus. The prophets did not perform new S&W, but called God’s people to remember the S&W performed during God’s rescue in history (E.g. Micah 6.4, Jer. 11.1-4, 34.13 etc.) Life in Israel after the Exodus was not miracle crusade after miracle crusade, but rather dogged, relentless trust in the God who rescued them. The Israelites lived by faith, not by sight.
One fine day, after centuries of few miracles, a carpenter from Nazareth turned water into award-winning wine. Then he started healing people, exorcising demons, controlling nature and even raising corpses back to life. The ultimate wonder was Jesus himself dying on a Friday and then rising that Sunday. S&W accompanied those who were delegated by Jesus to carry on his work. God was acting in history to rescue his people again. Not from Pharaoh, but from Sin, Death and Satan. By the later writings in the New Testament we see few S&W. Paul does not heal Timothy, but tells him to take his medicine (1 Timothy 5:23).
Like the believers in the Old Testament, we are to life by faith not by sight. We are to put our faith in God’s recue on the basis of what Jesus has done in history. God may and does perform miracles and wonders today, but our faith should not depend on them, our theology should not demand them, and our gatherings should not insist on them.
Hi Marieke
Thanks for your comment. What a great testimony! I agree that one of the great enemies of the gospel is dead religion.
I would also want to affirm that God still heals and does miracles today. God is able to do more than we can ask or imagine. What I think is unbiblical is the “miracles-and-healings-on-demand” performed by the “anointed man of God”.
According to 2 Corinthians 12:12 “signs, wonders and miracles” were the marks of a true apostle, confirming that he was commissioned by Jesus and his message was from Jesus.
In the New Testament, “signs and wonders” played an authenticating role (compare Luke 7:20-22, & Hebrews 2:3-4). They confirmed that Jesus and his apostles were from God and spoke from God. As the New Testament is complete (e.g. Jude 3) and we don’t need more “apostles” from God speaking new messages from God. Therefore we don’t need more “signs and wonders” to authenticate those apostles. The message has been delivered. We have the inspired scriptures.
God still does amazing things and heals in amazing ways. He often does this in answer to prayer. But we are called to put our faith in Jesus, whether he heals us or not. Healings (or any other miracle) should never be the basis of our faith. Jesus’ death and resurrection in the great New Testament sign that the Bible calls us to believe. Thee gospel (not healings or miracles) is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes (Romans 1:16).
I have a Christian friend who has served faithfully in missions for many years and is an awesome witness to the grace and power of God. She is also a paraplegic. God has never healed her – and its definitely not because of a lack of faith! God is glorified through her trusting in Jesus despite her being in a wheelchair. What I’m saying is this: God does sometimes choose to heal in miraculous ways. Sometimes he doesn’t. We are called to believe the gospel because Jesus rose from the dead, not because of any other miracle.
I hope I’ve clarified my position? I’m sure you’d agree with all I’ve just written.
Hi Pastor Fish
I happened to find your blog. Interesting, although I must differ.
I was raised in the Reformed church – one of the sister churches. I believed very much what you are describing here. I knew the important answers and excelled at sunday school. But, my inside was dead and I did not have a personal relationship with Jesus, only religion.
When I was 23, Jesus intervened and I got saved. For the first time my eyes opened to the living God who wanted to have a relationship with me.
When I was 24, a woman in a cell group prayed a very simple prayer for me. You see, I fell down stairs when I was in Standard 8 and had a really bad back. In addition, one of my legs were a few centremetres shorter than the other. I spent a lot of time at the physio. So, this lady held my to feet in her hands as I was propped up with my back against the back of the chair and prayed: “Jesus, thank you for the miracle you are about to do.” In the next few seconds, my friends started to shriek excitedly as my one foot was moving forward as it grew to the same length as the other. Then another girl prayed for my back, and that too got healed instantly. I now have a strong back. It took a while to get used to as I kept hitting the ground with my now longer leg 🙂
I saw the power of Jesus’ Name when I met a satanist who knew only darkness. He couldn’t breath when I said Jesus. That showed me the power of His name.
After that I went to a conference in 2007 where I saw miracles happen. Please know that these are very real, and that God is doing signs and wonders – today. It feels uncomfortable sometimes and certainly there are also false witnesses out there. But God is moving in a powerful way, and it is becoming ever more evident as the end times are moving closer.
May you also experience these signs and wonders in your own life.
With love
Marieke vR