Many Christians have an inadequate view of the death of Jesus. Many think that Jesus’ death is like a loaded gun. There’s a lot of potential, but the shot is not fired, salvation is not actually accomplished for anyone. Individuals, themselves, have to pull the trigger and then, and only then, is the shot is fired and our salvation is accomplished. The trigger is pulled, they contend, when we believe the gospel. Jesus thus potential died for all, but Jesus’ death is only really effective for those who pull the trigger.
The Bible has a different view of Jesus’ death.
According to the Bible, Jesus’ death is not just a loaded gun waiting for us to pull the trigger to make it effective. No, Jesus’ death is a loaded and fired gun. God loaded the gun and pulled the trigger. Jesus is not of only potential salvific value; it actually and effectively saves those it was intended to save. Jesus’ death actually and truly pays the price for all those God predestined. The sins of God’s elect were actually and truly paid for in the death of Jesus. Jesus’ death accomplished and secured the salvation of all those whom God foreknew.
God the Father chose us before the creation of the world. God the Son died to accomplish our salvation. God the Holy Spirit calls us to faith in time and history and applies that salvation to us.
Jesus’ death is not a potential salvation; meaning it’s really up to us to make it effective. Jesus’ death is an effective death that achieves the salvation of the people of God.
Further reading: Romans 8:29-30; Isaiah 53:6; 2 Corinthians 5:21 etc.
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(Thanks to JI Packer in his book “Knowing God” for drawing my attention to the fired gun metaphor.)
Jesus was speaking in a temple and called the worshipers, “Come to Me” !!!
That is all that is need. That evidence is what I see when I examine the results in the lives of thousands of ordinary people that came from around the world to Scoan, Nigeria. The exact match of the Gospels and Acts are easily verified if one does careful research.
A more factual account from someone who has visited the Church of the Synagogue is written by Professor Willem Ouweneel, a prominent Dutch theologian who holds doctorates in biology, philosophy and theology. He lectures in Universities in Switzerland, Holland, South Africa and Germany. He is of Brethren background but is thoroughly satisfied of the genuineness of the miracles and vindicates the theology of Prophet Joshua.
Are you satisfied the healing miracles are genuine?
One cannot watch the above videos without being convinced of their authenticity. Apart from which I saw healing miracles for myself when he prayed for the sick.Four of the seven members of our team also received healings.
What sort of a man is he to speak to?
He is extremely humble and continually gives the glory to God.
What is the attitude of the church members?
They display the fruit of the Holy Spirit to an extent that I have rarely seen before. One has a sense of being loved, there is a sense of joy, of peace, gentleness, temperance, faith and meekness.
Did the church members you spoke to know much about the bible?
Yes, our whole group was surprised at the sound scriptural knowledge of those we spoke to.
How do you know he is not an occultist?
I have been involved in the deliverance ministry for over 30 years. I have written such books as “Demons Defeated” which has been translated into many languages and “How To Cast Out Demons And Break Curses”. I have also taught on deliverance in many countries.
I carefully watched the ministry of Joshua and I am totally satisfied that he is casting out demons in the name of Jesus Christ. As Jesus said “satan cannot cast out satan”.
He constantly casts out demons by the power of God. He constantly upholds the name of Jesus Christ, gives glory to God and his preaching is biblically inspired. The work of the Holy Spirit is clearly evident among the church members.
Also one of the above videos shows a dead man being raised by the power of God.