For our boast is this, the testimony of our conscience, that we behaved in the world with simplicity and godly sincerity, not by earthly wisdom but by the grace of God, and supremely so toward you.
2 Corinthians 1:12 ESV
South Africans have been angered the last couple of months by the shocking revelations that have come from the Zondo Commission on State Capture.
We have all been reeling from the massive admissions of huge corruption.
We’ve seen that, as the Bible teaches, the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.
The testimony of ex-Bosasa boss Angelo Agrizzi has been especially shocking. Politicians and business leaders were bribed with hundreds and hundreds of thousands of Rands.
Angelo Agrizzi blew the whistle. Why did he come forward with the truth?
He claimed that the reason is related to a near death experience he had in 2016. A tumour on his heart resulted in a risky surgery and a short time in a coma. After this, he wanted out of the wrongs of Bosasa, where he had been for nearly 19 years.
His conscience couldn’t take it anymore.
He could no longer live this double-life of deceit.
He craved a clear conscience.
In 2 Corinthians 1:12, the Apostle Paul commends his integrity, reliability and clear conscience to the Corinthians.
You may have not realized that your conscience is God’s gift to you.
God has given each human being a conscience or inner voice that is able to distinguish between what is morally right or wrong.
Often we try to appease, justify or ignore our consciences. Our conscience can be seared, dulled or deadened over time if we repeatedly act against it.
However, generally speaking, our conscience lets us know when we’ve done wrong. The result? We feel guilty.
That kind of guilt is a good guilt. Our conscience lets us know we’ve done wrong and dishonoured God (and possibly hurt others too).
Our conscience takes the witness stand and testifies either for or against us.
The Apostle Paul said that his conscience has testified for him. His conscience bears witness that he’s lived with integrity.
Paul had a clear conscience.
When we become Christians, we repent of our sins and trust Jesus as King. After we have turned from self-rule and turned to Christ, we pursue what is right and honouring to God. We pursue a clear conscience by using our conscience (enlightened by God’s Spirit and God’s Word) as a guide. cf. Hebrews 13:18
When we mess up and violate our conscience, we acknowledge our wrong and thank God for his forgiveness. We ask God to help us to keep pursuing right and a clear conscience.
The value of a clear conscience, of a life where there are no hidden compartments, double standards or secret folders, is priceless.
Ask Angelo Agrizzi.