We live in a world of innovation and updates.
I love software updates. If there’s an update, I want it.
But that’s not how Christianity works.
We are called to continue in the gospel of Jesus that we have learnt.
We might express the gospel in new ways, sing new songs, do things differently, but it’s always the application or implications of the unchanging gospel.
The gospel – the truth about Jesus – never changes.
In Christianity, innovation is a very bad thing. As soon as you hear about a new insight, a new revelation or a new way to access God’s blessing, the alarm bells should ring.
Many years ago, the new innovation was the book, The Prayer of Jabez.
According to the book, it is good to be a Christian, but if you want to obtain all of God’s blessing in your life you have to repeat the Prayer of Jabez (an obscure prayer from the Old Testament) every morning and every evening.
Who has ever heard of such drivel?
If we have Jesus, we have access to every single thing God intends for us.
We don’t need Jesus plus The Prayer of Jabez or anything else.
Amid an ever-changing world, Christians are to hold fast to the unchanging truth about Jesus.
Thus, the Apostle Paul’s instruction in his last letter to a younger Christian is:
But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed… (2 Timothy 3:14)
Timothy was to continue in what he had learned and believed and embraced – the truth about Jesus.
Timothy’s goal was to continue to hold firm to the gospel.
The same is true for all Christians.
Don’t be tempted to modify your creed or conduct. Remain faithful to, and continue in, the old, old story of Jesus and his love.
Don’t be tempted to add anything to, or try to update, the gospel of Jesus.