No, it’s not your body

Is it really “My body, my choice”?

An unborn or pre-born baby has its own brain, nervous system, blood-type, body parts and gender.

How could it ever possibly be part of the mother’s body?

“No matter how you spin it, women don’t have four arms and four legs when they’re pregnant. Those extra appendages belong to another human being(s) living inside of them.” (

You can choose to have sex or not, you can choose to take the pill or not, you can choose to ask your partner to wear a condom or not, you can choose to remain celibate. You can choose a lot of things.

But when you fall pregnant, you now must live with the consequences of your choice and be responsible for the new, tiny person inside you.

When a baby is born there is no magic baby-fairy sprinkling magic baby-dust to make the “fetus” an actual “baby”. From fertilization, a new, tiny human person has come into existence.

I’m deeply disturbed by those who promote the termination of tiny, defenceless human beings.

We as Christian people should be encouraging pro-life efforts by fostering and adopting more readily and by supporting children’s homes and adoption agencies.

We must love those who have had abortions, reminding them of God’s great forgiveness and the new life in Christ.

We must pray for and help those who, due to dire and desperate situations, are perhaps considering an abortion.

We must never detest people, even the abortionists, but rather pray for them that God’s love would win them over.

However, I’m still deeply disturbed.

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