Writing this post is very therapeutic for me. I have to vent my frustration. In the past week I received yet another email full of drivel claiming to be Christian.
It was a call to prayer given by another so-called prophet who, of course, had a vision that 2016 is the year of God’s Restoration and Deliverance.
(I thought Hebrews 3:7 & 13 say “Today” is the day for God’s restoration and deliverance whatever the year?)
Anyway, one of my New Year’s resolutions is to stand more firmly for the truth of the gospel by attempting to obey the Apostle Paul’s command in Titus 1:9, “He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict it.” Paul also commanded Timothy: “Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke (when you see false doctrine or ungodly living), and exhort, with complete patience and teaching.” (2 Timothy 4:2)
Here is my reply:
Thank you for sending this email and I agree that prayer is vital. God’s people should be praying much that God would transfer people from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of his Son (Colossians 1:13) and then transform them to be more like his Son (Colossians 1:10). We should be praying more as churches together.
Concerning the document: National 50 Days of Corporate Repentance, Fasting & Prayer: [11 January – 29 February 2016], I find the theology behind this document very, very troubling.
Among other things, the document says,
“The heavenly court hosted the case of South Africa on the 12 of September 2015. The session lasted for about 3 hours. In the presence of the righteous Judge God the Father and our advocate The Lord Jesus Christ and led by the Holy Spirit and the heavenly Hosts, 24 generals in the faith from around SA, presented the case of our Nation before the courtroom of heaven….Having obtained mercy we presented the case of SA before the heavenly courtroom by reminding God of his promises over the country.
God said: SA is a regenerating womb for the continent of Africa meaning that ministries that will
Influence the continent and the world will be born in SA. SA will be the place of birth of the greatest revival that the continent of Africa has ever seen…”
I would remind the authors of the document that there is only one mediator between God and man who is allowed in the heavenly courtroom to make intercession for God’s people – the Lord Jesus Christ. (cf. 1 Timothy 2:5, Hebrews 7:25, Romans 8:34). The Roman Catholic church and African Traditional Religion , among others, introduced the foreign and harmful concept of human or other mediators between God and man, and this is exactly what this kind of theology does.
I would kindly ask the organizers to not send misleading, Biblically-incorrect emails that undermine the supremacy of the Word of God (the Bible) as our final authority and undermine the High Priestly role of Jesus as our unique mediator and advocate. These kind of emails will only confuse and ultimately endanger God’s people.
As for those who profess to be “generals in the faith”, I would ask them to consider the rebuke of Jesus to James and John who sought places of power and authority. I would also remind them of the great Protestant doctrine of the Priesthood of all Believers. A doctrine many reformers shed their blood to preserve.
Thank you for your desire to see churches pray – I truly think its admirable. I would commend those in this movement to think biblically about prayer, the uniqueness of Christ, and the priesthood of all believers – without the need for human or any other intercessors in heavenly courtrooms.
A great book to read on prayer is: “Prayer and the Voice of God” by Tony Payne and Phillip Jensen.
As I’m not in agreement with the document I cannot share it with our congregation.
I have CC’d the original sender of the document.
Yours in Him
I share this, not to blow my own trumpet as I’m sure you could compose a much better response, but to vent my frustration at the massive amount of poor theology in our country and continent. This theology is deadly and deceptive. It promises much, but delivers little. It uses Bible words, but has no Bible. And most importantly, it dishonours the God of the Bible. May God raise up many theologically sound gospel preachers who will correctly divide the Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15).
If I get a reply, I’ll keep you posted.
Photo credit: Pixabay.com