“Religion is a crutch for weak people”
I’m sure you have friends that say this kind of thing. They may add: “I don’t need God, I’ve got it together! I lead a good life. I’m not a rapist or a murderer or corrupt.”
The error of this kind of thinking is that it holds a very low view of sin. This person views very serious sins, like murder, as bad, but their own minor indiscretions, like a white lie or selfishness, as “being human”. They forget that, according to Jesus, hating your brother in your heart is as offensive to God as murder and lusting in your heart as offensive to God as adultery. Pride is default position of this person’s heart. They arrogantly belief they do not need God as they are good enough. They are like the surfer who believes that Great White Shearks are harmless. What the surfer may or may not believe does not change the truth.
The reverse position that others hold, which is also the result of pride, is the view that they are too bad for God. They say things like: “I’ve done such terrible things to others. God will never forgive me. I deserve to suffer in my guilt.”
The error of this kind of thinking is that it holds a very low view of Jesus’ death. Jesus was executed outside Jerusalem to, according to the Bible, bear the judgement of God for the sin of God’s people. Jesus death was a substitutional, sacrificial death that paid the price for ALL sin, every one. That’s why Jesus could triumphantly exclaim, “It is finished!” To view your sin as too big, or too bad, or too damaging for God to forgive is extreme arrogance and minimizes the death of the Righteous One for you.
Are you too good for God? You are not as good as you think! You’ll never be good enough for God.
Are you too bad for God? Jesus’ death is more powerful than you think! You can never be too bad for God.